Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Change Your Eating Habits & lose weight and keep it off Forever!!!

To successfully lose weight and keep it off forever requires serious changes to our eating habits.
Now, having said that we don't have to accomplish this overnight, if you are one who is most disciplined then this is quite possible, however, most of us have to make changes in small amounts, and its amazing what small changes over a long period of time can do to our most stubborn habits!......full article
To most of us this can be quite difficult or even the hardest thing to achieve.
Little change daily,amount to breaking down the most stubborn habit over a 30 day period, and if you don't already know , it takes on an average 21 days to break a habit.
The following tips are suggestion that i have experienced and applied successfully and i'm certain will increase your chances to succeed. I do hope you find them helpful .

Two of the most commonly confused areas are as follows:
Changes to what we eat.
Changes to the amount or quantities we eat

Many individuals fail because they attempt both and they try too hard and find it too difficult and even too confusing, eventually get disappointed, just prior to seeing results.
Most will pick the first and often make the wrong choice, instead of selecting to change the quantity of what they are eating.
losing weight and keeping it off permanently is not instantaneous, it takes a little time , lots of awareness and changes to what we eat and the quantities of what we eat, so we need to have both!!
One has to understand that we are attempting to make permanent and lifestyle changes & most people will opt out if the changes are too confronting and too many.
Here are some helpful hints to guide you through to eat less of of the wrong foods and more of the right and helpful, fat reducing foods.... [...more]

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Hmmmm something to think about!!!!

The above is a favourite saying of Jamie Mcintyre
(a prominent Australian motivational & success coach) i picked up following a 4 day seminar of his, which has inspired me to create this blog! the main intention is to see what response i can attract to offer a bootcamp with a difference.
The main purpose and objective is to achieve disclipine and control over weight management, targeting pernament weight loss, without the hype of what's been flogged on the television and all the seemingly amazing offers on the internet, health magazines etc, especially those that make u think that u can loose weight without exercise and through dieting every size you ever dreamed to be............... is possible!
well sorry to dissapoint you, i have tried many fad diets, sometimes nearly half starved myself, and yes, initially i have loss some weight, but within a week i have had it all almost back on!............................ Can anyone relate to this!
I like to share my honest and pratical system that is guaranteed to work and if dilligently followed will give you the results we set together to achieve and keep off those ugly bulges forever!.......................................Who would like that?
In response to this i will be able to implement this project,  however, i'm only interested in taking a small group of a maximum of 20 individuals who are super, serious about doing this program, and making a committment to themselves and my team.

                     So here it is...... do you:
  • want results in 30days
  • want to lose between 5-25kgs !!
  • want an improved life style and increase energy
  • want to look great and feel good!
  • travel (overseas) to an exoitic location 
  • do some sight seeing during the program
  • commit to the goal you set!
  • be a team player !
  • like to comeback with a great tan! (bonus)
Please register your interest, simply register, so i can send you the program details pricing etc.

Many thanks and looking forward to connecting with you and eventually being part of this very inspiring but challeging journey, and see you achieve the targets you set for self.

