Saturday, 9 July 2011

Building 6-Packs Without a Diet Change issue# 2

Many men strive for that 6-pack abs look. They are often told it takes a strict diet and exercise routine if they ever want to reach their goal.  However, strict diets that reduce body fat also tap into the body’s energy.  This type of diet will eventually lead to muscle loss and that will never equal a 6-pack.  For building 6-packs the easy way all a person needs is to understand how to use exercise to effectively whittle their middle and build up those abdominal muscles.

Diets usually fail because they lower the amount of calorie and carbohydrate intake.  When this is done the body then uses muscle for an energy source.  The goal, instead, of anyone wanting to build a 6-pack is to use stored fat, not muscle for energy.  To do so a person needs to do a little math and they can then come up with the ideal exercise routine to create a 6-pack.
Before you ever start working out you need to understand how your body works.  You will need to know your average calorie intake or the average number of calories you eat per day.  You will also need to know your resting metabolic rate and your physical activity level.  The calorie intake number is the amount of energy you get each day and the metabolic rate and physical activity number equals the amount of energy you burn each day.  Ideally you want to burn more than or equal to what you intake so you do not gain weight.  When building a 6-pack you want to burn more than you intake so you lose weight.

In order to get your body burning more calories than you are taking in most people would diet as that is the easiest way to limit calories.  However, as mentioned, this can also deprive the body of needed energy.  Instead, you will want to simply burn more calories than you are taking in by exercising.  Your exercise routine should burn enough calories that it makes your numbers so that your intake is less than your burned. 

By using this method you can easily build a 6-pack without ever having to change your diet.  In the end you will find that by using this method you are able to build muscle faster, feel better throughout the process and get results that last.

Keep up the fluids and also, keep having your salads, and be generous with it and I’m working on sharing those deliciously tasty & healthy recipes which I will give you access to at the end of this series.

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Looking forward to sharing my next article with you on the series.

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