Monday, 11 July 2011

Peel off the fat & reveal your 6-Packs issue #4

Mid section or abdominal fat is the blanket that covers and disguises a 6 -pack in most people, one of the biggest reasons why most people find building 6-packs to be difficult is because they do not understand the impact a little extra fat can have in the process.  To expose the abdominal muscles that make up the 6-pack look a person needs to have very little body fat.  In fact, a percentage of 10% or less. 

Getting your body fat percentage that low takes a lot of work and dedication.  It is nearly impossible to reach that level without the proper diet.  Many people want to try to use exercise alone to build a 6-pack and that is why they often fail.  While it is possible to lower your body fat with only exercise is it more difficult than using a combination of diet and exercise.  Most of the time what people find when using exercise alone is that they build the muscles but they are not visible.

Aviod crash or fad diets.  Your diet must be properly proportioned in order to let you achieve both,  build muscle and lose weight.  Professional  help with designing your diet, and a diet that is high in protein and low in fat and calories, will be a good place to start.  This way you are keeping your energy levels up but not taking in too many calories or fat .  Start eating smaller meals more often throughout the day.  Doing this helps to increase your metabolism which is the body’s process of using food for energy and will help you to burn more calories.  There is a delicate balance that must be maintained when building 6-packs so that you are getting enough energy to function, but not too much that your body does not burn fat.

It is a common saying that everyone has a 6-pack, but in most people you just can not see it because of the fat.  This is true.  That is why using a diet is the best way to compliment exercise when building 6-packs.
Here's me signing off once again , excited about sharing my next  issue with you ,and wishing you a fantastic day,  work out hard and burn the fat, keep up the water and eat well!!

Dennis h
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