Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Look 20 years younger....Take the super challenge!!!

 Your own Wellness Coach and Fitness guru mentoring you daily for 30 days free of charge!!

Guiding you with your daily eating plan, work outs, & taking you to optimum Health, Vitality and looking totally sexy!!

Your program includes delicious and filling smoothies and snacks, shipped to your doorstep in all your favorite flavors, along with the highest quality Nutritional supplements available on the market .

Try my 30 day super sexy nutrition challenge!

You eat five yummy snacks and meals a day, your personal wellness coach sends you detailed lists of exactly what to buy at the grocery store and what to keep stocked in your kitchen, records and monitors your progress daily and lets you know what to order at restaurants and eat or drink at parties.
Meanwhile your skin clears up, your mood and energy improves, you sleep more soundly and the weight amazingly falls off, especially around your waist, making you feel young again, like you’re finally on the right track with the freedom to do the things you always wanted to do.
You’ll learn the exact steps to getting to your ideal weight, cutting carbs and sugar cravings, and choosing the healthiest, best tasting foods and recipes that fill you up and make you feel great.
Leaving you relieved that you found a solution to something that has been bothering you for years. You feel wonderful, proud of yourself, and powerful!
Sound too good to be true? It’s not! It’s clinically proven and wildly successful. And tons of people are doing it successfully.


A Step-By-Step Plan

To a Healthy, Super Slim & Sexy Body

Even if you don’t have weight to lose, but are feeling lethargic, tired and lack energy my 30 day Super Sexy Nutrition Challenge will teach you life long healthy habits, boost your immune system and  and help you detox your body in an easy, healthy way to keep you feeling and looking your best.

Best wishes for the season and looking forward to working with you.


 Visit our website

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you rather not!

The formula for good health =  Eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you rather not!
As i continue my research and study into nutrition, i like to share a few notes i made from a new book i was presented and one that i found very informative, Nutritional Supplements, By Lyle Mac Williams MSc, FP. who researched over 200 products available in Australia and New Zealand.

  Did you know?
30% of heart diseases can be attributed to obesity ?
35% of all cancers deaths, especially breast, prostrate and colon cancers are related to diet?

In 1997, the American Institute for Cancer Research & World Cancer Fund, released a report claiming that a change in diet could prevent 3-4 million cancer patients world-wide.

Osteoporosis has been traced to diets low in calcium and vitamin D. Cataracts & muscular degeneration arise from low intake of Antioxidants, such as Vitamins C& E.

60 -70% of the incidence of heart diseases can be prevented, as can 80% of the incidence of stroke, with appropriate modifications to diet. 90% of type 2 diabeties is preventable through simple modifications in diet and exercise. The solution is almost too easy to imagine. 

It's your choice

Eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you rather not! many joke at the punt , but unfortunately , too many of us feel the same way.
Health is a matter of choice, such as choosing to eat healthy balanced meals instead f that greasy burger and eat fries or chosing to take a brisk walk instead of watching T.V, yet, far too any of us are making poor nutritional and lifestyle choices on a consistant basis.
In fact,most most people do it every day. If instead, we chose to make good nutrition-including supplementation and make an active lifestyle a daily habit, we could add 5 - 15 years to our lives.
Apart from the future benefits, eating well and exercising regularly also enable us to enjoy life so much more right now!

Recently, i was visiting a friend in hospital and decided to chat with a couple of guys who were in the same room, and just to keep the names out, lets call them , Richard, John and Paul.

Richard, 51 years old, says " I like being the way i am" came in for a blocked artery in his leg, no exercise, bad diet, doesn't believe in nutrition and wonders  why he is overweight  & slow and a walking time bomb.

John, 72, smokes like a chimney, drinks alcohol daily, eats lots of bbq's, breads, foods that are high in fats, no exercise , has already had by heart-pass surgery, gall bladder removed, diabetes and was diagnoised with cancer in the pancrease.

Paul 82, the oldest of all, looked like he is in his early sixties, slim and so mentally alert,great for his age, is one who has allways believed in a healthy lifestyle and it certianly showed, keeps to a low fat diet,only drinks on a social basis, stopped smoking nearly 40 years ago,he said  from a very young age learnt to respect his body and watched what he allowed in , believed in nutrition and proper diet and exercise.

So in conclusion, i invite you to share your comments and ask you to think about the few areas i have shared  and consider an alternative ...

please join my Super Sexy Nutrition Challenge, 30 days of a complete change to great health and nutrition and as a bonus lose between 5-15 kgs!

please register to join..

kindest regards 
