Thursday, 28 July 2011

Get rid of that gut ....... take Aloe Vera

Get rid of that gut ....... take Aloe Vera

Abdominal obesity, colloquially known as belly fat or clinically as central obesity, is the accumulation of abdominal fat resulting in an increase in waist size. An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, the "pot belly" or "beer belly" effect, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. 

This body type is also known as "apple shaped", as opposed to "pear shaped", in which fat is deposited on the hips and buttocks.
 So are you a pear, apple or would you rather a 6 pack??
In America, 127 million adults are overweight or obese. That is over 64% of adults over 20.
Australia's statistics  reveal that Men were more likely to be overweight or obese than women. In 2004-05, 62% of men were overweight or obese compared with 45% of women. This pattern was also the case in 1989-90, when 45% of men and 32% of women were regarded as overweight or obese.

A simple 2 -4 ounces twice a day is all a person needs to reap some of the many Aloe Vera juice benefits, clears out excess mucus in your body, reduces inflammation, it’s like soap for your intestines and is known to increase energy. The aloe helps dilate the capillaries and aids in cell growth, Some other benefits of this magical plant  is that it improves circulation and digestion, smoothes out your skin making you look younger, detoxifies the body and cleanse the colon, certain properties in the juice works to detoxify the blood stream, healing one from the inside, helps with intestinal and stomach problems , reduces hunger by making you feel full. However,
 (if you have digestive problems or severe illness check with your doctor first).

  Some further benefits include its healing effect on burns, wounds, cuts, diabetes, hair fall, Gastritis, espohigitis and hiatal hernia etc. Since its ability to heal radiation burns  following WW11, Aoloe Vera is noted to be a common ingredient in various ointments for minor cuts, skin irritation, sunburn, etc. recently aloe vera was noted to have beneficial effects on teeth, as well. This plant is often believed to be used in tooth gels to cleanse and soothe the teeth and gum. Apart from this, it is also stated to have the ability to fight against cavities, Do i need to tell you more, the list goes on and on, but that's it for now.
I look forward to sharing more information with you in our next issue,so keep up with the good work, keep working out take your daily shot of Aloe Vera juice, here’s me signing off once again, wishing you all the best.. Please follow, like and comment.



Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Scary truths of drinking unfiltered water!!

The healthy drink at least 6-10 glasses daily, some less others more, some carry it for “just the look” regardless, if it’s not the right type, you are freely allowing deadly toxins, parasites & bacteria, enter your bodies on a daily basis & paying for the deadly harm it causes us. Yet, we keep doing it, unchallenged!

Would you walk down a street at dead of night, knowing that a life    threatening situation awaits you!!

Yet we keep doing it, drinking it, washing in it, cooking in it, bathing in it, doing our dishes and the list goes on and on.

How bad can unfiltered water be for your health?
The water that flows out of your taps today, may not seem like that much of a danger and most often comes at a premium price. Bottled water is at even a higher premium, some with claims varying from great healing qualities & health benefits. Yet how often do we consider the scary dangers hidden a simple glass or bottle of water, Let me offer you a totally essential & healthier and as a bonus, less expensive option, in having filtered water.
Tap water may not seem like that much of a danger, but when you really look at what can be in your water without you knowing, it’s pretty scary. There are numerous chemicals, toxins, parasites and more, recent studies in relation to the effects of fluoride in tap water has been shown to have detrimental effects on the human body.
Drinking, showering, washing in this water causes us to take in these toxins and such into your body, which can have serious affects on your health. Some of the toxins have been linked to diseases like Alzheimer’s and different types of cancer, not to mention less serious effects like digestive disorders and much, much more. Drinking unfiltered water is extremely dangerous are very serious and not something to be taken lightly.
Of course, your health isn’t the only thing affected by unfiltered water. Your hair and skin can also be affected. the levels of chlorine in drinking water is in many instances is far greater than we realize and are the cause of several skin disorders, irritations, dry scalp hair loss and colour pigmentation loss(colour fading faster).

so here's me signing for now, i look forward to sharing more on this subject with you.Please follow, share & comment.




Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Building 6-Packs the healthy way issue # 10

In the effort to build a 6-pack many people tend to try drastic measures.  The two main components of building 6-packs are exercise and diet.  It is the approach to these two main things that usually cause problems.  By now,hopefully afetr viewing some of my previous issues on this series many people should know that in order to see a built 6-pack they must have very little fat around their mid-section.  They also should know that they must target and work out their abdominal muscles to build the 6-pack look.  When people dive into exercise without a proper plan,  they they will be usually prone to injury & wind up hurting their body.
so, let’s do a little bit of maths…Take your current weight and multiply that by 18. The result will be the total number of calories you should aim for, on a daily basis, to enable your body to build new muscles. Now, take your current weight and multiply it by 1.5. This result will be the approximate amount of protein, in grams, that you need to put into you body daily for muscle growth.

  Building a 6-pack in an unhealthy manner is dangerous and will most likely not even give you the  results that you are looking for deliver, or something that will not last do not last.
 Start by doing some menu preparation. You don’t have to turn into a rapid calorie counter, but you do need to start paying a lot more attention to the calories and protein in the food you eat.
depending on your awareness of nutrition, these numbers may be very intimidating to you. You’re probably looking at an intense increase in the amount of food you eat and it may seem impossible to do that.
In fact, it may actually be impossible to do that if you’re only eating three meals a day. The “three meals a day” lifestyle isn't designed for healthy living and it’s far from achieving optimum  muscle building. As you go about your meal planning, you need to plan on eating five to six smaller meals a day, instead of three bigger meals. consider a healthy slant when planning  meals, start looking up some healthy recipes. The following are a couple of great tips for keeping a 6-pack routine healthy and safe.

- Eat less, more often.  What this means is basically, a person should be eating less foods that are unhealthy, like foods high in fat, calories and sugar.  They should also forget the old standard of three meals a day.  The reason for this is to keep the metabolism up and running at top performance a person should eat at least six small meals per day.

- Drink water.  It may be tempting for a person to drink energy drinks or other special drinks that promise they will help them to build muscle.  Instead though, basic water is the key.  When the body is well hydrated it works better and the person will feel better.  Eight to ten glasses of water per day is important.

- Do both weight lifting and aerobic exercise.  A person should be lifting weights and doing an aerobic activity.  This is in addition to their spot exercises for their abdominal muscles.  By doing all these exercises a person will lose weight faster and be able to retain their muscle they build.
These tips can come in very handy for someone looking to build a 6-pack without endangering their health.  Many times people start a  routine and pick up unhealthy habits.  In the long run what usually happens is they are not eating right and not working out correctly, so they end up losing muscle instead of building it or even injuring themselves.
Building 6-packs does not happen overnight, so the best steps to take are the healthy ones so the results are long lasting and the person health is not compromised.
Here's to Healthy living & once again wishing you every success in your journey!
Looking forward to hearing your comments, please "like" or follow.


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

6-pack is not just for looking good issue# 9

Apart from the definite, the physical appearance and look of 6-pack, abs are one of the top reasons people try to build them.  Physical look is just the tip of all benefits of having a 6-pack.  There is more to a strong and toned mid-section than just having that coveted look
Research shows that individuals who regularly engage in exercises and abs routines and observe a fit body more often than not live longer than people who are obese and do not engage in exercise programs. The latter is also more prone to acquire certain maladies, such as cardiovascular diseases and even depression. Recent studies show that those with oversized stomachs have difficulty in sustaining sleep, due to disfunctional stomach issues. Abs routines ward off such issues and to keep your stomach in good shape. A well-exercised stomach also makes for more efficient digestion, resulting to a healthy body, better metabolic rate, and increased energy levels.
Individuals involved in other sports activities then having a 6-pack can be very beneficial.  The abdominal area, also called the core, is the powerhouse for the body.  It is responsible for many different functions, including helping the back muscles and protecting the inner organs.  These muscles are in the center of the body and therefore help a person do everything from sitting to running to bending.  Having a nice, toned 6-pack will cross over to helping a person feel better and healthy overall.  If they are involved in sports activities they will most likely find that they run faster, feel more flexible and perform better than when they didn’t have toned abs.
Better self-esteem is related with people who are happy with their fit bodies. They appear great and feel good. They are also more assured with how their body looks, specially when summer comes when they are prepared to display the ripped abs that they worked so hard for. But Then, those who do not look & feel good about themselves present lower self-esteem, and researches show that this can lead to a several social problems, such as substance abuse, violence, suicidal tendencies, and even teenage pregnancies.

In addition to helping the rest of the body feel stronger, a toned 6-pack area will help prevent injury.  Having these muscles in shape will go along way towards preventing back injuries since these muscles aid the back muscles in supporting the spinal area. A person with any type of back injury will find that after thy get their abdominal area in shape that they will start to feel an improvement in their back as well.

If a person’s sole reason for building a 6-pack is only for the looks then they are going to be quite surprised to find the additional benefits their efforts offers.
Once again here's me signing off and wishing you a wonderful  day, keep working hard, because i assure you that it has its rewards.
please feel free to comment,share and follow, i look forward to share my next issue on this series with you.



Friday, 15 July 2011

Building 6-Packs- Grueling Exercise or Plastic Surgery....... issue #7

It all depends ……… you want to look good or feel good!!

One takes lots hard work and discipline and the other a visit to a good plastic surgeon!!

The dream of many is to be able to get a 6-pack, without a lot of hard work.  The basics behind building 6-packs is to eat right to lose body fat and workout regularly to build muscle, which does not fit easily into a modern and busy lifestyle.  So, it is no surprise that the world of plastic surgery has found a way to give anyone a 6-pack without a single sit up or diet change.

The procedure........A technique, called abdominal etching, is a kind of precision liposuction. 
Procedure usually takes only an hour, and can be performed as an outpatient procedure under either local or general anesthesia. Before surgery, the doctor will outline the patient’s abdominal muscles and use these lines to serve as a guide during surgery. During the procedure, several small incisions are made in the naval or the natural creases of the abdomen, where they are inconspicuous. A cannula, or a flexible tube, is then inserted through the incisions, Ultrasounds are used to liquefy the fat and then it is carefully removed and contoured to produce a look like a 6-pack.
One has to have to have a certain amount of fat. If you have too little or too much you’re not going to get the definition, generally not recommended if you are heavily overweight and  not able to manage your weight afterwards. Also, it will last until one loses or gains weight. 
So getting it done may be just as hard as building a 6-pack through diet and exercise.  However, for those who find a good surgeon and get their chance for the procedure, the results can be be amazing.
Abdominal Etching Recovery
For a few weeks after abdominal etching surgery, patients will need to wear a compression garment, which should only be removed when bathing. Often, patients will experience blood clotting, bruising or swelling and some pain,and the possibility of nerve damage,which can be eased with proper care and medication.
It is important that post-operative patients limit exercise and avoid lifting weight over 5kgs and putting any pressure on the abdominal area. 

The costs
 between $4,000 and $7,000 .  

Building a 6-pack through surgery is not for everyone, but it really does produce a result that rivals the real deal.  While a person who has followed the procedure will not really have the toned and sculpted abdominal muscles, but they will have the coveted look.  What it comes down to is that with the surgery a person will look good and look as if they spent time building a 6-pack, but they will not get the health benefits that come with really building a 6-pack.  They will not get the strengthen core muscles or the other health benefits of work out exercise.
It is about looking good verses feeling good.
well, here's me signing off once again and looking forward to sharing my next issue with you.
So till then.......keep up the good work, workout hard , eat that balanced diet, and lots of water, fruits and veggies!!


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Thursday, 14 July 2011

Building 6-Packs With Electrical Muscle Stimulators issue #6

Exercise is a motion of  repeated cycles of movements, contracting and relaxing muscles, whether it's your arms lifting weights, your legs carrying you along on a run or your "abs" doing crunches. As your muscles work, your body burns calories to keep them going, and that's why exercise helps you lose weight. 
this has led to a  misconception  regarding Electric  muscle  stimulation, forming a base of claims surrounding it, some experts claim that as it mimicks natural muscle movement, it will produce the same results of a exercise workout. These ideas have led to a booming market of devices that promise 6-pack abs in little time with little or no effort.

Research, shows when you are receiving E.M.S. treatment, the energy to move your muscles isn't coming from your body; it's coming from the EMS device. Your muscle cells may be getting a nice little workout, which may help their tone, but the truth is you aren't burning the calories you would as when doing a physical workout.
  Sadly, in today’s busy world many are misled and buy into these ideas and jump on board the latest weight loss, muscle building fads, because they are looking for the easiest and fastest method by which to get the look they want.  
  The Federal trade Commission or (FTC), has issued important about E.M.S. Many manufacturers claim they are safe for anyone to use

 and will produce a toned midsection without any exercise or special diet needed. 

  Electrical muscle stimulators were originally approved for use in physical therapy settings by medical professionals.  That is why these devices being used in a home setting by untrained people caused the FTC to look into them. 

During review the FTC declared that electrical muscle stimulators provide a temporary change in the muscle, but could not find that they will help a person to lose weight or build a 6-pack.  Additionally, they found that if the product is not used properly it can pose health risks.  They received reports from users who had experienced burns, bruising, irritation and pain after using the device.  They also found they may interfere with pacemakers.  In devices that use cables and leads, it was found they did not meet safety standards and could pose additional risks. 

However, the benefits for E.M.S should not be overlooked, Many doctors and physical therapists regularly use EMS to treat people who have suffered a loss of muscle function, such as from a stroke, spinal cord injury or other nerve damage, or who are unable to exercise certain muscles because of injury or surgery. Because EMS simulates natural muscle activity--muscles contract when the impulses are applied and relax when they aren't--it can help maintain tone and strength in muscles that would otherwise "atrophy," or waste away from lack of use. Another common use of EMS is to relieve muscle spasms.

Electrical muscle stimulators do not provide a means by which to achieve 6-pack abs.  They can be dangerous and harmful if they are not properly manufactured and used.  A much better solution for building 6-packs is to eat properly and exercise.

Once again , here's me signing off, wishing you a wonderful evening and excited to share with you my next post.Keep up the fruit, salads and water.
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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Building 6-Packs.......Do the two step Boogie!! issue#5

There is a lot of information available on the market at the moment, regarding weightloss, burning fat, building six-packs etc, etc, etc,causing many to confusion & making it more complicated than it is due .Also, much is said about special tricks and equipment that you must have to build a 6-pack.    Building 6-packs is not easy and is quite a difficult process, but when a person wipes out all the needless work and gets to the two main steps they will find that it is not really as complex as they once thought. Building 6-packs is really a two step process.

To build a 6-pack it takes both nutrition and exercise.  One without the other is not going to accomplish the 6-pack look.  The reason for this is that to build a 6-pack a person must get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area and also build the abdominal muscles.  Doing exercise only will build up the muscles, but they will not be visible due to the layer of fat over them.  Nutrition alone will not work because it will only decrease the fat in the stomach area and not build the muscles, so they will not show through.

The best nutrition for someone building a 6-pack is to develop a diet loaded with complex carbohydrates and protein and low in fat and sugars.  Complex carbohydrates and protein will help to give you energy and build muscle.  Fats and sugars are what makes you gain weight so that is why they should be avoided.  It is also a good idea to boost your metabolism by eating smaller meals throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism working at the optimum rate.

Exercising is more than doing some crunches everyday.  You are looking to build muscle, so you should workout that way.  You should include crunches and other target exercises, but you also need aerobic and weightlifting exercises.  You should design a routine and stick to it.

By focusing on nutrition and exercise you should be able to be successful at developing a 6-pack.  By weeding out all the tricks and other nonsense that is on the market today and sticking with the basic two step process, you will find that you are able to more easily develop your abdominal muscles and reach your goal.
Here's me signing off once again, wishing you another wonderful day in paradise(Melbourne) and am eager to share my next issue with you.
Remember, to have your daily intake of fluids, i find it quite difficult to drink cold water in winter, so try hot water with a twist of lemon...yum,(there are many more substitutes , which i will share with you when i issue my several, tantalizing, delicious and nutritious recipes with you when i finish this series)
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Monday, 11 July 2011

Peel off the fat & reveal your 6-Packs issue #4

Mid section or abdominal fat is the blanket that covers and disguises a 6 -pack in most people, one of the biggest reasons why most people find building 6-packs to be difficult is because they do not understand the impact a little extra fat can have in the process.  To expose the abdominal muscles that make up the 6-pack look a person needs to have very little body fat.  In fact, a percentage of 10% or less. 

Getting your body fat percentage that low takes a lot of work and dedication.  It is nearly impossible to reach that level without the proper diet.  Many people want to try to use exercise alone to build a 6-pack and that is why they often fail.  While it is possible to lower your body fat with only exercise is it more difficult than using a combination of diet and exercise.  Most of the time what people find when using exercise alone is that they build the muscles but they are not visible.

Aviod crash or fad diets.  Your diet must be properly proportioned in order to let you achieve both,  build muscle and lose weight.  Professional  help with designing your diet, and a diet that is high in protein and low in fat and calories, will be a good place to start.  This way you are keeping your energy levels up but not taking in too many calories or fat .  Start eating smaller meals more often throughout the day.  Doing this helps to increase your metabolism which is the body’s process of using food for energy and will help you to burn more calories.  There is a delicate balance that must be maintained when building 6-packs so that you are getting enough energy to function, but not too much that your body does not burn fat.

It is a common saying that everyone has a 6-pack, but in most people you just can not see it because of the fat.  This is true.  That is why using a diet is the best way to compliment exercise when building 6-packs.
Here's me signing off once again , excited about sharing my next  issue with you ,and wishing you a fantastic day,  work out hard and burn the fat, keep up the water and eat well!!

Dennis h
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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Do Crunches Work For Building 6-Packs? issue # 3

Crunches have been both overrated and underrated as an exercise to use for building 6-packs.  One school of thought says that they are not effective and simply a waste of time, while another school of thought seems to think they are the ultimate in abdominal exercises.  So, how does a person decide if they should use crunches in their routine for building a 6-pack?  The answer falls somewhere in the middle.

Crunches are a good exercise for building 6-packs, however, they are often done incorrectly or used too much.  In order to be the most effective crunches need to be done with the proper form and in combination with other exercises.  The bottom line is a person can not build a 6-pack by doing crunches alone, especially if they are not doing them properly.

The whole idea behind building 6-packs is to strengthen and tone the core area of the body.  The basic crunch only works one section of muscles in the core area.  Variations on the basic crunch can hit those other muscles.  Additionally, exercise alone has not been proven to help build a 6-pack.  Proper diet is also needed to rid the body of excess fat so this muscle group can be seen.

When doing crunches it is very important that you never feel strain in your back area.  If you do then your form is incorrect.  You should be able to smoothly do crunches without feeling any pain or strain.  It is also important to develop a routine and stick with it.  You may want to consult with a professional trainer to ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly.

So, crunches can help you to build a 6-pack, but you have to do them right.  You have to do them properly and follow a well set routine.  You should also learn a  variety of crunch exercises so you can work all the muscles in your core area and build the 6-pack. You must also understand that you can not rely on crunches alone to build that 6-pack.  You must also burn fat through diet or aerobic activity.

Here’s looking forward to sharing my next issue, you are going to love it.



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Saturday, 9 July 2011

Building 6-Packs Without a Diet Change issue# 2

Many men strive for that 6-pack abs look. They are often told it takes a strict diet and exercise routine if they ever want to reach their goal.  However, strict diets that reduce body fat also tap into the body’s energy.  This type of diet will eventually lead to muscle loss and that will never equal a 6-pack.  For building 6-packs the easy way all a person needs is to understand how to use exercise to effectively whittle their middle and build up those abdominal muscles.

Diets usually fail because they lower the amount of calorie and carbohydrate intake.  When this is done the body then uses muscle for an energy source.  The goal, instead, of anyone wanting to build a 6-pack is to use stored fat, not muscle for energy.  To do so a person needs to do a little math and they can then come up with the ideal exercise routine to create a 6-pack.
Before you ever start working out you need to understand how your body works.  You will need to know your average calorie intake or the average number of calories you eat per day.  You will also need to know your resting metabolic rate and your physical activity level.  The calorie intake number is the amount of energy you get each day and the metabolic rate and physical activity number equals the amount of energy you burn each day.  Ideally you want to burn more than or equal to what you intake so you do not gain weight.  When building a 6-pack you want to burn more than you intake so you lose weight.

In order to get your body burning more calories than you are taking in most people would diet as that is the easiest way to limit calories.  However, as mentioned, this can also deprive the body of needed energy.  Instead, you will want to simply burn more calories than you are taking in by exercising.  Your exercise routine should burn enough calories that it makes your numbers so that your intake is less than your burned. 

By using this method you can easily build a 6-pack without ever having to change your diet.  In the end you will find that by using this method you are able to build muscle faster, feel better throughout the process and get results that last.

Keep up the fluids and also, keep having your salads, and be generous with it and I’m working on sharing those deliciously tasty & healthy recipes which I will give you access to at the end of this series.

Please feel free to share this article with your friends and click “like” or follow me.

Looking forward to sharing my next article with you on the series.

Friday, 8 July 2011

2 keys to building a great 6 pack.......... issue # 1

 The finishing touch to looking good is not something that you can pull out of your wardrobe, like a great pair of jeans, shirt or tie , you may have the best Armani jeans, polos and good looks, but if you have a pot belly attached to your waist line, you are done babe! 
forget that second look!! 
 Building 6-packs seem to be the ultimate in looking good.  Men & Women everywhere are trying to get the coveted 6-pack look. Which is not easy and does not happen overnight. Developing a good  6-pack requires a combined effort of  nutrition and exercise.
 Most people tend to retain fat in the abdominal area, covering these muscles. 
  A well developed 6-pack is easily hidden beneath a layer of fat.  Even a small amount of fat can hide a 6-pack, so it is essential for a person to make sure that they are as lean as possible in the stomach area.The first part of building 6-packs is nutrition.  If you are building a 6-pack then you must eat a diet low in fat and high in protein.  You need to reduce your body fat to around 10% in order to get a visible 6-pack.  Once you have your nutrition under control you can move on to exercising. 
Exercising is the second part of the equation to get a 6-pack.  
You will need to do both target training exercises and aerobic exercises.  The aerobic exercises will help to burn fat and in conjunction with your nutrition changes should help to reduce your body fat so your 6-pack will be visible.  Targeted exercises, like sit ups, work the actual abdominal muscles.  You should choose a good range of exercises to target each set of abdominal muscles. 
The main key to building 6-packs is to get your body fat low and get those abdominal muscles built up.  With a hard hitting routine of a strict diet, daily aerobic activity and  targeted abdominal exercises every other day you should be well on the way to building the 6-pack of your dreams!
  Additionally, a nice 6-pack will  improve your overall health.  You will start to feel the difference in your posture & definitely physique.  The abdominal muscles cover the core area of your body and are used in every movement from walking, sitting to bending.  
Strong abdominal muscles not only look good, but they will make you feel good and strong too.

Thank- you once again for joining me,this is the first in a series of approx. 20 issues. and am excited to share some ground breaking tips with you

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