Tuesday, 16 August 2011

10 healthy habbits

  • Do you ever wake up often feeling that you have had no sleep!More tha 50% of us feel we 're not getting enough sleep, and researchers now suspect this to be diet related.When we skip sleep, we produce higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger and reduces energy burned.Recent research from Chicago University says that sleep affects the make -up of any weight lost.When dieters have got a full night's sleep, more than half of the weight that's lost was fat. When sleep was cut back to 5 hours, fat accounted for only a quarter of the weight lost- mostly muscle, which is needed to burn kilojules. The upside....the amount of sleep you're getting has a significant impact on your weight management program, if your goal is to lose fat, then make sure you have a full 7-8 hours sleep and do not skip sleep for prolonged periods.
  • Ever battle with high salt intake,then potassium rich foods are a great counter attacker.Consider that the recommended limit is 6g, recent studies from the Netherlands show that 4.7g of good salt(potassium) has the same effect on lowering blood pressure as cutting out 4g of "bad salt" (sodium).Top up by taking.......1/2 cup of dried apricots(0.9g), a banana(0.5g),a cup of cooked pumpkin(1g), or half an avocado(0.8g).
  • add a 30 minute daily work-out, however recent studies reveal that even those who regularly exercise, yet spent several hours, doing sitting down jobs, can slow down the body's regulatory process, including the enzymes needed to break down blood fats and glucose. For those who are in such jobs .....Try standing on the bus or train, park a little further in the car-park, at your desk, when on the phone, it's surprising how our bodies automatically get into the sitting posture whenever possible, always use stairs instead of lifts, keep muscles in the calves, thighs and torso switched on!
  • A great summer treat is water melon, it is a divine treat that also happens to be a functional food. It is loaded with vitamins A,B6, & C, fibre, potassium and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Medical researchers suggest that recent findings reveal that watermelon is an effective natural weapon against high blood pressure.Watermelon is perhaps the richest edible natural source of L-citrulline, the amino acid needed to regulate vascular tone and blood pressure.It is also known to help impotence as the L-citrulline helps relax the body's blood vessels, unlike recently highly marketed  so called "performance enhancers" such as Viagra.
  • Throw out the white breads and embrace the whole and multi- grains, researchers say that benefits of eating wholegrains may be greater than we first realised, and could be as as powerful as cholesterol-lowering drugs, reducing the risk of heart disease by up to 40%.Wholegrains provide more resistant starch, the natural fibre components may be protective against diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and some cancers, says food and research scientists. 
  • Engage in resistance exercise, it is important for bone health, balance, and even helps control type 2 diabetes. A study from Ohio university shows that metabolism is raised for up to 38 hrs after a session of squats and weightlifting.Many do not realise that increasing muscle tissue is metabolic, so it burns more (Kj's) at rest.Resistance training is one of the best ways to peel off centimetres off your shape and build up lean muscle simultaneously.
  • Consider Tai - Chi, a recent trial program at the University of Queensland found that Tai- Chi plays a role in beating depression, diabetes, and obesity. In the UQ trial,the proportion of participants with clinical depression dropped from 60%- 20%.Participants also lost weight without the aid of tough diets and heavy workouts.Tai - Chi is slow, gentle and doesn't leave you breathless, covers all the key components of fitness-muscle strength, flexibility, balance, some aerobic conditioning and leaves the mind calm and relaxed.
  • Start writing, even a daily journal, whether it is a food journal or noting your journey in life and move on to short stories, blogs, etc. Never underestimate the power of the pen. People who can articulate their feelings on paper are often more self aware, and are known to have better self control over their moods. some of the other benefits of writing is the help it produces in the following areas:It enhances creativity, strengthens writerly self esteem, offers the opportunity for exploration, expands vocabulary,gives voice and helps you discover it, allows discovery of what matters and Nurtures courage as you develop.
Here's me signing off once again wishing you a wonderful day!
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