Sunday, 21 August 2011

3 easy steps to healthier living

Eating right keeps you bright!
With winter almost over, did you find the battle to stay healthy, slightly more difficult and the waist line getting a tad tighter, do not despair, you are not alone.
Research has shown that during the cooler months, comfort foods like pizza, sweets & chocololate, are eaten in even larger portions. While fruits and water fell on the lower scale of the menu.
Fatty and sugary foods are feel good foods. Diets high in kilojoules, saturated fats, sugars and salt contribute to all sorts of health problems such as obesity, heart diseases, and type 2 diabetes.dietary research has shown the best way to boost energy and wellbeing in winter months is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, choose low glycaemic  (slow digestable carbohydrate) foods and include regular physical activity.
here's the top five guilt free comfort foods:
  1. Chunky vegetable and lentil soup.
  2. porridge with low fat milk and a teaspoon of honey if desired.
  3. poached or baked fruit with  low fat yogurt
  4. slow cooked casseroles or curries with lean meat and vegetables, such as carrots and spinach.
  5. hot chocolate, with small quantity of choc. powder and low fat milk.
Portion control is important:
the reasons why some individuals put on weight more than others, during winter, varies. for most activity levels decline, which means we don't need as much energy to fuel  the body. the ideal recipe for weight gain is reduced physical activity, less nutritious foods, combined with high kilo-joules and before you realize it you have done it again! added on that excess weight. A healthy lifestyle is one of constant awareness and moderation  and control.
How do we do it and where do we start??
Start at the very beginning, check your portion sizes. Although there are no exacts unless every meal is measured, as a rule of thumb, just try these tips to make sure you are not stretching your daily limits.
  • Check in on your appetite thermometer, are you really hungry? when you feel hungry and especially if its winter, have a long glass or mug of warm or hot water, splash of lemon or twist eventually grows on you and becomes great. this gives you the water intake as often our thirst is confused with hunger. and when you actually have that meal, maybe half an hour later you will not eat as much, your portion size is automatically reduced! amazing, try it.
  • Turn off the T.V to limit distraction, often this turns your focus from how much you are actually eating.
  •  Do not shovel  it all down, but take time to enjoy every mouthful. Chew your food instead of gobbling it down, this gives your stomach enough time to register when you have had enough.i have a good secret i use and that is drop the fork or spoon for a couple of seconds and just concentrate on what i'm chewing, the taste the texture, flavor etc, makes a difference, because you have to start all over again, and becomes really good when you do it a few times during a meal.
  • Use smaller plates, or bowls when eating in, or when dining out order entree sizes, and share a desert with your friend instead.
  • Treat yourself and look out for non food items or things to do such as aromatic warm baths, reading a book on health and nutrition or go for a long walk by the sea or park or better still go fishing or bike ride. 
Shape up your immune system
Are you sick and tired of picking up every winter bug, and this winter was no exception, right! well here are a couple of tips that will give your immune system a boost.
  • Eat plenty of fish, less meats and poultry, when choosing meats select lean meats and remove skin from poultry when eating.These foods contain zinc, which is beneficial in reducing the severity and duration of the common cold.
  • Focus on fruit and vegetables. these contain antioxidants that your body needs to stay healthy. Although there is no magic portion when it comes to fighting off the common cold , eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables gives the best mix of antioxidants in the right amounts.
  • Eating a healthy breakfast is essential, research has shown that eating breakfast may help fight the common cold and flu as its during this meal that one picks up key nutrients for the day.
Finally, i cannot stress enough the need to have plenty of fluids. as i mentioned a twist or squeeze of lemon to warm or hot water makes a great winter drink.

so here's me signing off once again, wishing you all a wonderful day. Please support my blog by becoming a member, i would love to hear your comments and suggestions and share articles that you may have. so follow or Like.

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