Tuesday 12 July 2011

Building 6-Packs.......Do the two step Boogie!! issue#5

There is a lot of information available on the market at the moment, regarding weightloss, burning fat, building six-packs etc, etc, etc,causing many to confusion & making it more complicated than it is due .Also, much is said about special tricks and equipment that you must have to build a 6-pack.    Building 6-packs is not easy and is quite a difficult process, but when a person wipes out all the needless work and gets to the two main steps they will find that it is not really as complex as they once thought. Building 6-packs is really a two step process.

To build a 6-pack it takes both nutrition and exercise.  One without the other is not going to accomplish the 6-pack look.  The reason for this is that to build a 6-pack a person must get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area and also build the abdominal muscles.  Doing exercise only will build up the muscles, but they will not be visible due to the layer of fat over them.  Nutrition alone will not work because it will only decrease the fat in the stomach area and not build the muscles, so they will not show through.

The best nutrition for someone building a 6-pack is to develop a diet loaded with complex carbohydrates and protein and low in fat and sugars.  Complex carbohydrates and protein will help to give you energy and build muscle.  Fats and sugars are what makes you gain weight so that is why they should be avoided.  It is also a good idea to boost your metabolism by eating smaller meals throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism working at the optimum rate.

Exercising is more than doing some crunches everyday.  You are looking to build muscle, so you should workout that way.  You should include crunches and other target exercises, but you also need aerobic and weightlifting exercises.  You should design a routine and stick to it.

By focusing on nutrition and exercise you should be able to be successful at developing a 6-pack.  By weeding out all the tricks and other nonsense that is on the market today and sticking with the basic two step process, you will find that you are able to more easily develop your abdominal muscles and reach your goal.
Here's me signing off once again, wishing you another wonderful day in paradise(Melbourne) and am eager to share my next issue with you.
Remember, to have your daily intake of fluids, i find it quite difficult to drink cold water in winter, so try hot water with a twist of lemon...yum,(there are many more substitutes , which i will share with you when i issue my several, tantalizing, delicious and nutritious recipes with you when i finish this series)
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